3 Reasons to Work for an NGO

People looking for jobs and workers who want to move up in their careers don’t always think about working for a nonprofit group. This is often because they believe things that aren’t true. One thing we hear a lot is, “Nonprofits have NO budget!” Even though many charities are supported by the government, the public, or private foundations, and their budgets may be small, working for a nonprofit has some benefits that you won’t find in many business offices.

1. Gaining new skills

Working for a nonprofit gives you the chance to learn and improve new skills because you often have to be creative and wear different hats every day. For example, if you know how to create websites but also know how to raise money, you could spend some of your time helping the fundraising staff and learn more about fundraising. With smaller teams, you may also learn how to run different parts of the business, like accounting and public relations. And you’ll probably learn how to lead because you’ll be in charge of many projects.

2. Making a difference in other people’s lives

No matter what subsector you choose to work in, you will be able to see how your work affects the world. Seeing the people you really work for every day, whether they live on site or come to your classes, is a very moving experience. Even being able to read their effect statements and testimonials, maybe from other programs in the company, is very rewarding. When you know you’re helping to make your business better, you’ll feel more motivated and have a better sense of why you go to work every day. We’re happy when we think our jobs are making the world a better place and helping to make good things happen. Working for a nonprofit gives you the chance to make a difference and help create something that will last.

3. Be treated like a person, not a number

Most companies that do good work are made up of small teams and units. This lets the staff get to know each other and work together. Smaller companies tend to have less structure, which means you often work with your coworkers and bosses instead of just for them. This makes it easier to get to know people at all levels. Working in a strict structure can make you feel like you can’t do as much as you’d like, but working with your boss can build more trust and openness.