Website Embassy of Switzerland
Political Affairs Officer
Switzerland through its development cooperation has been engaged in Nepal since 1959. With the establishment of its Embassy in Nepal in August 2009, Switzerland’s cooperation with Nepal continues to focus on federal state building, employment and income as well as migration. Switzerland is committed to support Nepal’s socio-economic development and federal state building at national, provincial and local level.
We are looking for qualified Nepali National for 4 years fixed term contract with possibility of extension for the following position:
Political Affairs Officer
Master’s degree with specialisation in political science, international relations, law, journalism, or other related fields; Minimum of 3 years of relevant experience on political analysis, reporting and advising;
Detailed job description is available here (PDF, 3 Pages, 220.7 kB, English) and in LinkedIn.
Application/Motivation letter in English with immediate contact address and a telephone number; an updated bio-data; copies of citizenship certificate and academic credentials; and reference from former employer(s) through a single email as pdf attachment (please do not provide a link to google drive or any other cloud server) at kathmandu.application@eda.admin.ch Please clearly mark “Political Affairs Officer” as the subject of the email and should reach latest by 17:00hrs NST on 23 September 2024.
The Embassy shall not reply to any comments made on the linkedIn platform. The Embassy shall process only complete files and reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason. Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted through email.
The Embassy of Switzerland in Nepal promotes workforce diversity and applies positive discrimination to candidates from discriminated groups (women and candidates from Dalit, Janajati, Madhesi/Terai, and other minority community).
Invitation for Bids – Tourism Sector Scoping Study
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) invites bids from qualified national consulting firms to conduct a tourism sector scoping study in Koshi, Madhesh and Lumbini Provinces, and design a project document, aiming to support systematic development of tourism enterprises in Nepal. The detail bid information can be downloaded here (PDF, 8 Pages, 491.3 kB, English).
The complete bid shall be submitted electronically via email to kathmandu@eda.admin.ch by 30.09.2024 until 23:00 hours Nepal Standard time.
No telephone enquiries will be answered.